A spectacular 2024 show. Performances from Echline, Queensferry, Dalmeny and St Margaret’s Primary School choirs. Queensferry Pipes & Drums joined us this year, along with Queensferry Community Brass Band and Forth Dimension. A beautiful piece by Central Scotland Ballet School led us in to the countdown, followed by an amazing laser show by 21cc and Funktioncreep, sponsored by Orocco Pier, BuzzWorks, CEC’s Almond Community Grant Fund and 21cc Group.
A great evening up on East Terrace, fantastic performances by Forth Dimension, Queensferry Primary, Echline Primary, St Margaret’s Primary, Jemma Harris, Queensferry Community Brass Band and Amelia! All brilliantly compered by Andy Malarky and stage set up with the help of the 21cc Group. Button pressed by FF Queen Casey Costello, Honourable Gentleman Ernie Hinks and Misha Jorjani from BuzzWorks.
First full show return since 2019 due to COVID lockdown. Stage moves up on to East Terrace. Gracious Lady Anne Mitchell and FF Queen Jessica Wilson switch the lights on.